Common Bee Pollinators of Oregon Crops
Approximately 500 species of bees live in Oregon. Many of these pollinate the diverse crops grown in our state. These species can be very different in their size, appearance, habitat, life cycle, flowers visited, and overall behavior.
How to use this guide: This guide is designed to help identify the most common groups of bees to the level of genus (a group of species that are closely related and usually exhibit similar characteristics) and in some cases a subgenus (a further subdivision of species within a genus). For each genus, a brief description is provided that includes information about size, placement of pollen-carrying hairs, crop preferences, and nesting behavior. |
Common Bees of Oregon
A list of bee pollinators sorted by genus and subgenus.
About PollinatorsLearn about characteristics of pollinating Hymenoptera.
Further InformationFind links to more resources and tools on the web.
2016 Oregon Department of Agriculture. Download a print-ready PDF of this guide.